Gen II Fund Services
Gen II Fund Services, LLC is focused exclusively on providing superior fund administration services to private equity fund sponsors and investors around the world. Gen II offers private equity firms the best-in-class combination of people, process and technology, enabling GPs to most effectively manage their operational infrastructure, financial reporting and investor communications. Gen II…
Gen II Fund Services has sponsored:
Why Fee Transparency is the New Reality
Why the SEC is closely monitoring fee transparency in private equity.
July 24, 2016More -
What GPs Need to Be ‘Cutting Edge’
The challenge arising from investors’ expanding need for portfolio-level data.
July 11, 2016More -
Fund Admin Outsourcing is PE’s Future
With hedge funds largely outsourcing many aspects of fund administration, can private equity be that far behind?
July 1, 2016More -
The SEC Drives PE Transparency
How the SEC and investor demands are bringing private equity to a bold new era of transparency.
June 12, 2016More -
Structuring a Solid GP Management Company
Experts from Proskauer, Eaton Partners, and Gen II discuss how to structure a solid management company for a first-time fund, and complexities that can arise.
September 7, 2015More -
Expert Q&A with Steven Millner of Gen II Fund Services
Steven Millner of Gen II Fund Services explains how they work with first-time fund managers to prepare them for the near-term and long-term challenges.
July 27, 2015More -
Finding an Anchor Investor
Experts from Proskauer, Eaton Partners, and Gen II discuss why emerging funds should find an anchor investor, and the terms that come with one.
July 20, 2015More -
The Future-Proof LPA
Three experts discuss whether it’s possible to build a future-proof limited partner agreement, and the pros and cons of putting too much detail into the LPA.
April 13, 2015More -
Fees Outside the “Offset Paradigm”
Experts discuss fees charged by affiliates of private equity firms to portfolio companies that fall outside the traditional “deal-fee” arrangements.
March 2, 2015More -
The State of Market Terms for Fees
Three experts discuss the current state of fees: points of negotiation, impacts of the growing expense of being a GP, and incentives offered to cornerstone investors.
February 17, 2015More -
Fact: GPs Hold LP’s Investments Longer
Three experts discuss why it takes twice as long for LPs to get their money back from GPs as in the past, what this does to LP-GP relationships, and its impact on return profiles.
December 15, 2014More -
Fact: The World Has Added 700 New PE Firms
More than 700 new PE firms have formed since the recession; three experts from W Capital, Gen II, and BlackRock discuss why this is a good thing.
December 8, 2014More -
Fact: Fundraising Isn’t Easy
Three experts discuss why PE fundraising isn’t easy—and perhaps never has been—and why that’s a good thing.
December 1, 2014More -
Fact: PE Deals Outnumber Exits
Experts from BlackRock, W Capital, and Gen II discuss the impact of three new deals for every exit.
November 13, 2014More -
Launching with the Right Talent
Three PE veterans discuss the importance of a young PE firm recruiting the right talent.
September 8, 2014More -
Your Track Record: Expect Intense Due Diligence
A friendly relationship with LPs doesn’t mean they won’t subject your track record to intense due diligence once you try to launch your own private equity firm.
September 8, 2014More -
PE Firms: Don’t Underestimate Infrastructure
Two PE firm founders compare notes about the importance of infrastructure and services, from compliance systems to basic office space.
July 29, 2014More -
Expert Q&A with Steven Millner of Gen II Fund Services
Steven Millner describes how Gen II Fund Services enables private equity firms to deliver on investors’ requirements.
July 14, 2014More -
PE Firm Founders Need More Than Deal Skills
Why PE deal skills aren’t necessarily all that’s needed to launch and run a successful private equity firm.
July 14, 2014More -
Pioneering Private Equity
Gary Appel of Investcorp talks about how PE has changed since his days at pioneering DLJ Merchant Banking, and how his current firm sets itself apart.
June 24, 2014More -
How Secure Is Your Firm’s Data?
In an era of huge data breaches at top corporations, how carefully must private equity firms guard their portfolio and investor data?
May 14, 2014More -
Accuracy: Challenging but Imperative
Providing accurate information to LPs has never been more important, or more challenging.
April 21, 2014More -
In Troubled Times, Ramping Up IR
In the wake of the financial crisis, The Blackstone Group increased its IR staff along with the granularity of information it reported to LPs.
April 21, 2014More -
Why LPs Have Questions About Your Back Office
Why limited partners are increasingly interested in seeing evidence of strong back-office infrastructure.
March 31, 2014More -
Escape From Lehman: Trilantic’s White-Knuckle Spinout
Charlie Ayres tells the harrowing story of his firm’s spin-out from Lehman Brothers.
January 28, 2014More -
Trilantic: Fresh Powder, Flexible Approach
Having just closed a $2.2-billion fund for the former Lehman Brothers private equity arm, senior partner Charlie Ayres of Trilantic Capital Partners discusses the outlook for his firm.
January 28, 2014More