February 26, 2016

Real Estate Game Change 2015 Conference Report

It’s undeniable that the private equity real estate investment world has undergone seismic shifts during the past decade. And whether it’s increasing cross-border capital flows, demographics, or wholesale changes to investor risk tolerance—the forces impacting today’s real estate investment strategies will also define tomorrow’s.

So at Privcap’s inaugural Real Estate Game Change conference, held at Chicago’s Gleacher Center in November 2015, we sought the answer to a complex question: What game-changing trends will LPs and GPs need to understand as they construct their portfolios and prepare for the next cycle?

This briefing is a compilation of the thought leadership on display at the event, and features professionals from:

LaSalle Investment Management
Clarion Partners
Metropolitan Real Estate
Harrison Street
Morgan Stanley
Pension Consulting Alliance
Dune Real Estate Partners
Sterling Organization
Mesa West
…and more

And please join us at at Real Estate Game Change 2016 on Nov. 2 at the Gleacher Center in Chicago for more expert discussions on private equity real estate. Stay tuned to Privcap.com for more information.

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