GP Operations
PE & The Coronavirus Stimulus: Challenges and Opportunities
Theresa Urband, a partner at RSM US LLP specializing in federal business tax, says there are still many provisions that will benefit PE firms looking to shore up cash flow and balance sheets as the pandemic grinds on.
April 14, 2020More -
GP Operations
Private Equity Tax Policy 2020: 4 Things to Watch
Before becoming national tax go-to-market leader for RSM US LLP in September, 2019, Jim Alex served at the U.S. Department of the Treasury, where he worked on tax reform implementation alongside Assistant Secretary for Tax Policy in the United States Department of Treasury Dave Kautter, who was with RSM prior to his role with…
March 16, 2020More -
GP Operations
2020 Tax Outlook From a Former US Treasury Official
James Alex of RSM, a former US Treasury official who worked on tax reform with other Trump Administration senior officials, discusses new tax rules including the deduction of business interests, Qualified Improvement Property rules, and the reporting challenges of Opportunity Zone regulations.
February 3, 2020More -
GP Operations
The New ILPA Model LPA: What GPs Need to Know
Robert Seber of Vinson & Elkins discusses a new model limited partnership agreement from the Institutional Limited Partner Association and why general partners need to be aware that a suggested “prudent person” standard has a very specific history and understanding in the investment management industry.
January 30, 2020More -
GP Operations
Carefully Calculating the Waterfall
Part of the Gen II Fund Services thought-leadership series, Unlocking the Power of Private Equity Data.
Private equity fund economics are complicated – just ask the people whose job it is to calculate who gets paid how much and when. The distribution waterfall determines how profits are shared among GPs and LPs, and…
December 11, 2019More -
GP Operations
The Rise of Operational Due Diligence
Institutional investors increasingly are focused not only on the returns generated by private equity managers, but on the soundness of the firm’s infrastructure. With each passing day, it seems that the legal, regulatory and competitive environment in which private capital firms do business becomes more complex, thereby elevating the risks faced even by firms…
July 22, 2019More -
GP Operations
Q&A: Women in Private Equity
Sally Mahloudji Vogelhut of MVision describes the reasons behind underrepresentation in the industry and what can be done to address it.
March 11, 2019More -
GP Operations
Women in Private Equity: A Push for Greater Inclusion
Why are there so few women in senior positions in private equity?
January 17, 2019More -
GP Operations
Report: Why You Need to Pay Attention to New Reporting Rules
An executive summary report on new AICPA guidance, changes to revenue recognition rules, new lease accounting standards, and more.
December 17, 2018More -
GP Operations
On-Demand Webinar: New Reporting Rules
An expert discussion focused on new AICPA guidance, changes to revenue recognition rules, new lease accounting standards, and more.
November 16, 2018More -
GP Operations
CFO Conversations: Complexity Forces CFOs to Stretch
How can “traditional” private equity CFOs navigate an increasingly challenging regulatory and tax landscape?
October 1, 2018More -
GP Operations
The March Toward Standardization
A conversation about the challenges and opportunities of private equity data.
June 25, 2018More -
GP Operations
Report: The Impact of U.S. Tax Reform on PE
How the Tax Cuts & Jobs Act may impact your fund, firm, and portfolio companies.
February 23, 2018More -
GP Operations
Death By Powerpoint: Why Your AGM is Boring – and How to Fix It
No more death by PowerPoint when you engage investors with these tips from two private capital veterans.
February 5, 2018More -
GP Operations
On-Demand Webinar: U.S. Tax Reform
An expert discussion of the sweeping changes to tax legislation and how the Tax Cuts & Jobs Act may impact your fund, firm, and portfolio companies.
January 31, 2018More -
GP Operations
The Complexities of Management Company Investments
How PE funds can best be allocated towards management teams.
January 23, 2018More -
GP Operations
On-Demand Webinar: How Boring is Your AGM?
IR experts from Cambridge Associates and Sutton Hill on how to plan an effective annual general meeting.
December 18, 2017More -
GP Operations
The Tax Consequences of GP Restructurings
Why GP restructurings are at record-setting levels in the current market.
December 11, 2017More