Fundraising & IR
Co-investing: Why GPs Should Pick a Lane
Experts from Cambridge Associates, Coller Capital, and Guardian Life discuss GPs needing capital for “outside the strike zone” deals, and how LPs need to carefully track whether a co-investment opportunity is within the strike zone of a GP.
December 14, 2015More -
Fundraising & IR
Outcomes of Private Equity’s Maturation
As the private equity industry has evolved over the past 30 years, there has been a shift in power and expectations, says Sheryl Schwartz of Caspian Private Equity.
December 7, 2015More -
Fundraising & IR
Comvest Hot Out of the Gate After Fund V Close
The Florida-based firm closed its latest fund in October and is already putting capital to work, says partner Roger Marrero.
December 2, 2015More -
Fundraising & IR
LPs Unite to Formulate GRESB Tool
Experts from Aviva Investors and AIMCo discuss a benchmark launched to help institutional investors make informed decisions about the sustainability of infrastructure projects.
November 23, 2015More -
Fundraising & IR
Specialization Helps Lovell Minnick’s Latest Fund
Lovell Minnick recently closed its fourth fund at $750M in commitments. Managing director Bob Belke discusses the firm’s focus on financial services companies, its hands-on growth strategy, and plans for adding value to investments.
November 17, 2015More -
Fundraising & IR
PE Energy Fundraising Remains Resilient
As of the end of October, there were 30 global energy-focused private equity funds closed. While that is down from the 50 funds closed in the boom year of 2013, the amount of capital raised so far in 2015 that’s been earmarked for energy beats each of the past five years.
November 17, 2015More -
Fundraising & IR
Silversmith on its $460M First-time Fund
Boston-based Silversmith Capital’s first-time fund raised $460M, exceeding its fundraising goal by 30 percent. Managing partner Jim Quagliaroli discusses how he and his partners tapped into their network for their first successful fundraise.
October 27, 2015More -
Fundraising & IR
Endowment Culture Post-Financial Crisis
Endowments are becoming more and more like institutional investors, says Jonathan Roth of Abbott Capital.
October 19, 2015More -
Fundraising & IR
Allianz Adds ‘Spice’ to its Portfolio
Allianz Capital Partners’ Susanne Forsingdal says there’s a difference between generalist and “spice” or specialist fund managers, and that there is room for both in a well-rounded portfolio.
October 12, 2015More -
Fundraising & IR
Venturing Back to Iran
The list of countries off-limits to private equity investment recently grew shorter by one: Iran. Forward-thinking investors are emboldened by the recent nuclear deal and the lifting of sanctions.
October 8, 2015More -
Fundraising & IR
Alpha Over Net IRR to Predict Fund Performance
Gerry Flintoft of TFG Capital Partners and advisor to PERACS discusses why alpha is more important for GPs to look at as an indicator of future fund performance than net IRR.
September 28, 2015More -
Fundraising & IR
The Commingled Fund: Alive and Well
Goodwin Procter’s John Ferguson discusses recent trends in real estate fundraising and best practices for foreign investors.
September 28, 2015More -
Fundraising & IR
PE as the ‘Regenerative’ Asset Class
A constant over the last 30 years in the private equity industry is the type of people who are successful as private capital investors, says Abbott Capital’s Jonathan Roth.
September 21, 2015More -
Fundraising & IR
How the IRS Fee Waiver Crackdown Affects PE
In July, the IRS issued a proposed rule change meant to stifle supposed abuses of how private equity fund management fees are claimed for taxes. Vinson & Elkins’ David Peck says it’s a hot topic, and the outcome of the proposal is anyone’s guess.
September 16, 2015More -
Fundraising & IR
What LPs Want in Today’s Energy Funds
Jeff Eaton of Eaton Partners explains what LPs are looking for in energy funds in the current market, and why it’s important for GPs to differentiate themselves.
September 15, 2015More -
Fundraising & IR
Differentiating Tailwind from Fellow GPs
Tailwind Capital’s Lawrence Sorrel—whose firm just raised $1.05B for its Fund II—and MVision Private Equity Advisers’ Hussein Khalifa discuss how they work together to play up the firm’s unique qualities to LPs, and how being a GP is different today than it was when Tailwind launched in 2007.
September 14, 2015More -
Fundraising & IR
Success as an Emerging PE Manager
An executive summary of the Privcap video series “First-time Fund Formation.”
September 7, 2015More -
Fundraising & IR
Structuring a Solid GP Management Company
Experts from Proskauer, Eaton Partners, and Gen II discuss how to structure a solid management company for a first-time fund, and complexities that can arise.
September 7, 2015More