Emerging Markets
Development Equity
The understanding of private equity’s impact on emerging markets is still developing, as three veterans of emerging markets private equity attest.
January 1, 2012More -
Emerging Markets
Optimistic on the Middle East
Tom Speechley, Senior Partner of Abraaj Capital and Chief Executive Officer of Riyada Enterprise Development, discusses the effect of Middle East turmoil on investment opportunities and portfolio companies.
December 22, 2011More -
Emerging Markets
Building Businesses, Building Countries
Siguler Guff’s Patricia Dinneen, a 25-year veteran of emerging markets private equity, discusses the current state of the private equity industry in developing countries.
December 22, 2011More -
Emerging Markets
Emerging Momentum
Sarah Alexander, Founding President and CEO of the Emerging Markets Private Equity Association, describes the incredible advances made by the private equity asset class in emerging economies
December 18, 2011More -
Emerging Markets
Fund Four and Ready for More
Few Brazilian general partners are on Fund Four today. Sidney Chameh, interviewed here by Privcap, is one of the few.
December 1, 2011More -
Emerging Markets
Selling the Brazilian Brand
Brazil has moved in just a few years from being one of the least sought-after markets in the world to one that generates the most enthusiasm.
December 1, 2011More -
Emerging Markets
African Deal Flow
Three investment veterans discuss the robust deal flow in Africa and how investors there are sourcing opportunities.
December 1, 2011More -
Emerging Markets
Expert Q&A With Jeffrey Bunder, EY, 2011
Jeffrey Bunder, Global Head of Private Equity for EY, on what investors need to know about adding value and corporate governance in the emerging markets.
December 1, 2011More -
Emerging Markets
Corporate Governance in the Emerging Markets
A key value-driver of private companies in the emerging markets is a set of “basic” corporate-governance best practices, often instilled by private equity sponsors.
December 1, 2011More -
Emerging Markets
Emerging Markets Value Creation
“The best way to gain exposure to the emerging markets is by direct investment, by private investment,” according to veteran emerging markets investor David Creighton.
December 1, 2011More -
Emerging Markets
Capital Demand in India
Kohlberg Kravis Roberts' Sanjay Nayar, the former CEO of Citi’s South Asian operations, discusses the impact that the global financial crisis has had on the private equity opportunity in India.
November 28, 2011More -
Emerging Markets
Expert Q&A With Graham Stokoe of EY
Graham Stokoe of EY discusses what investors need to know about Africa and how EY can help.
November 1, 2011More -
Emerging Markets
Continent of Opportunity
Private equity in Africa is now a hot topic. Why is the continent drawing interest from private capital and talent, and how should this vast region be understood?
November 1, 2011More -
Emerging Markets
Brazil’s “Good Moment” For Private Equity
A conversation with the chief investment officer of Brazil’s $6.3-billion Fundação Vale do Rio Doce de Seguridade Social-Valia.
October 1, 2011More