Emerging Markets
Expert Q&A With Sandile Hlophe, EY
Sandile Hlophe speaks with Privcap about the investment framework necessary for successful investing in Africa and the importance of local knowledge.
December 11, 2012More -
Emerging Markets
Expert Q&A with Graham Stokoe, EY, 2012
Graham Stokoe of EY discusses what investors need to know about Africa and how EY can help.
December 4, 2012More -
Emerging Markets
Getting Growth Equity Right
Bryce Youngren, General Partner with growth equity firm Polaris Venture Partners, gives a tour of the world outside the traditional venture capital strongholds.
December 1, 2012More -
Emerging Markets
Private Equity in Emerging Europe
Executive summary of the Privcap thought-leadership series analyzing important trends in Eastern and Central European private equity.
November 28, 2012More -
Emerging Markets
Latin American Venture Capital
A discussion on the Latin American ecosystem linking entrepreneurs and venture capital firms, featuring experts from the Multilateral Investment Fund, Cap Ventures, EY, and HarbourVest Partners.
November 4, 2012More -
Emerging Markets
Latin American Energy: Two Case Studies
Scott Swensen, Managing Partner of Conduit Capital Partners, and Russell Deakin, Managing Director of Rio Bravo Investimentos, offer a behind-the-scenes look at two recent deals.
November 3, 2012More -
Emerging Markets
LatAm Energy Investing
Energy investment strategies in Latin America with Scott Swensen, Managing Partner of Conduit Capital Partners, and Russell Deakin, Managing Director of Rio Bravo Investimentos.
October 29, 2012More -
Emerging Markets
Private Equity in Switzerland
Switzerland’s private equity market features small and mid-sized investments often driven by the thesis that Switzerland is an ideal base of operations for a pan-European company. With Bernd Pfister, Managing Director of Paros Capital.
October 11, 2012More -
Emerging Markets
Corporate Brazil Meets PE
Featuring insight from Marcos Marinho Lutz, CEO of Cosan, Christopher Meyn, Partner at Gavea, and Carlos Asciutti of EY Terco in Brazil.
October 5, 2012More -
Emerging Markets
Deal by Deal in Switzerland
Dr. Bernd Pfister, Managing Director of Paros Capital, describes the strategy of his Zurich-based firm.
October 1, 2012More -
Emerging Markets
Early Stage Hong Kong
Allen Yeung, Founding Chairman of Hong Kong Business Angel Network, discusses his efforts to make local investors aware that backing startups is a way to grow wealth, in addition to real estate and other alternatives.
October 1, 2012More -
Emerging Markets
Corporate Venturing Grows Globally
Dr. Martin Haemmig, a noted academic and expert on corporate venturing, says that "massive wave" of corporate venturing is on its way, and not just in the United States.
October 1, 2012More -
Emerging Markets
Latin America Comes of Age
Latin American private equity has come of age, says Ralph Keitel, Principal Investment Officer of the International Finance Corporation.
September 29, 2012More -
Emerging Markets
Access to India
Access to India: Is private equity the superior market for participating in Indian growth? In this webinar you will hear from Mayank Rastogi, Partner, Private Equity and Transaction Advisory Services, EY and Darius Pandole, Partner, New Silk Route Advisors.
September 28, 2012More -
Emerging Markets
Much More Asia Yet to Emerge
Vikram Raju, Senior Global Funds Specialist for the International Finance Corporation, describes the development of the Chinese and Indian private equity markets, which countries are at a “nice tipping point,” and more.
September 7, 2012More -
Emerging Markets
A “Good Crisis” in Europe
Karsten Langer of The Riverside Company discusses why Europe is not “one inflated Greece” and why he remains optimistic about being a European GP.
September 1, 2012More -
Emerging Markets
Brazilian M&A Law
Karyn Koiffman, a partner at Baker & McKenzie with an expertise in Brazilian M&A and private equity law, speaks with Privcap about doing deals in the country.
September 1, 2012More -
Emerging Markets
Private Equity in India
Three veteran GPs discuss their deal flow, why success is not necessarily tied to India’s macro story, and the unique aspects of entrepreneurship and innovation.
August 29, 2012More