Tom Fink
SVP & Managing Director, Trepp
Tom Fink, Senior Vice President and Managing Director of Trepp, is responsible for developing business opportunities, with a focus in product enhancement and strategic initiatives. With over 35 years of experience working with a variety of financial and modeling assignments, Mr. Fink’s business strategy has carved a path of innovation and thought leadership for Trepp.
In his role, Mr. Fink has performed numerous high-level financial consulting engagements and has a deep understanding of the Trepp Structuring System™. In addition, he was part of the senior Trepp team that was selected from a field of 62 firms by the Federal Reserve as the sole CMBS Collateral Monitor for the Term Asset Backed Securities Loan Facility (TALF), the highly successful stimulus program instituted during the recent fiscal crisis.
Mr. Fink is a recognized industry expert, with extensive experience in diverse areas such as CMBS, leasing, economic development, and tax-exempt securities.