Michael Elio, StepStone
Partner, StepStone Group
IR in the Time of Corona
An expert discussion about virtual AGMs, virtual fundraisings and investor relations in interesting times.
April 8, 2020More -
The Importance of Team Cohesion
Investors carefully consider the team dynamics of a private equity GP.
December 1, 2017More -
Understanding the LP Mindset
When considering a spinout fund, investors need more than evidence of a strong track record.
November 17, 2017More -
Spinouts Have a Lot to Prove
Three veterans of the private equity fundraising market share advice to GPs thinking of spinning out to form their own firms.
November 3, 2017More -
On-Demand Webinar: Forget Fees – Focus on the Team
How the best LPs assess the main drivers of success in a private equity fund—the people managing it.
July 10, 2017More -
Cursed With a Weak Bench
Three experts discuss how an LP might pass on a GP’s fundraising due to the perception of a “weak bench” and a team that may not be around for 10 years.
October 14, 2014More -
Undifferentiated Deal Flow
Showing how you source and win transactions is crucial for GPs to win an LP’s attention in a crowded market.
October 7, 2014More -
It’s Not You, It’s Them
GPs must sometimes deal with the fact that an LP may pass over them for reasons outside their control. A panel of three experts outlines what some of these may be.
September 29, 2014More -
Repercussions of Poor Communication
A communication breakdown between a GP and LP can have various repercussions; three experts discuss what these are and name some possible remedies.
September 22, 2014More -
Strategy Deviation Without Explanation
Reason No. 1 you won’t raise your next fund: Strategy deviation without explanation.
September 15, 2014More -
How’s the 2004 Vintage Looking?
Ten years on, what do we know about the average performance of PE funds in the 2004 vintage?
April 9, 2014More -
Fund-Management Mistakes That Shave Off IRR Points
How to optimize the performance of your fund as a whole by avoiding key mistakes.
April 9, 2014More -
Adding Alpha Through Co-investing
A deep dive into Siguler Guff’s co-investment platform – how co-investing helped the firm add alpha to its overall portfolio.
April 9, 2014More -
Emerging Markets PE Performance
How have emerging markets private equity funds performed on average over the long term? And why is this so?
January 8, 2014More -
Big Buyout vs. Small Buyout: Who’s Better?
Which strategy has performed better – mega buyout or small buyout?
November 25, 2013More -
Is Being ‘Top-Quartile’ Really So Important?
Our performance experts tackle the most over-used term in private equity: ‘Top quartile.’
November 12, 2013More -
Impact and ESG: LP Views
Experts Weigh In: Impact and ESG Strategies – Michael Elio of ILPA
November 6, 2013More -
Why Have Energy GPs Outperformed?
Energy-focused private equity funds have, on average, vastly outperformed other private equity funds over the past 10 to 15 years. Why?
September 16, 2013More -
Is Venture’s ‘Lost Decade’ Near the End?
Experts from Cambridge Associates and the Institutional Limited Partners Association share proprietary data to analyze whether a new era of wealth creation is coming to venture participants.
August 1, 2013More -
2012: Best Year Ever for Distributions
Despite getting a record $115 billion back from their GPs last year, LPs have been slow to plow that money back into the fundraising market, according to Michael Elio of ILPA and Andrea Auerbach of Cambridge Associates.
July 22, 2013More -
Defining and Measuring Growth Equity
Why are LPs focused on “growth equity” as a distinct strategy?
July 1, 2013More -
Trouble with Niche Strategies
The expert panel on performance discusses common challenges that a fund manager might face when pursuing a strategy that does not fall into a neat category.
June 12, 2013More -
The Private Equity Overhang: Overblown?
What’s the real impact of the private equity overhang, just how big is it, and how worried should investors be? Expert analysis with professionals from ILPA, Cambridge and Independence Capital.
May 19, 2013More -
The ILPA Benchmark
Mike Elio of ILPA and Andrea Auerbach of Cambridge Associates explain this new performance benchmark
May 2, 2013More -
In Search of Absolute Performance
Absolute performance versus top-quartile performance. With Cambridge, ILPA and Zurich.
March 20, 2013More -
Benchmarking Basics: Peer Groups
It’s a tricky but critical categorization to make–how should a fund manager be benchmarked?
March 20, 2013More -
About the Cambridge/ILPA Partnership
An overview of the partnership struck between ILPA and Cambridge Associates to create a powerful new institutional benchmark in private equity.
March 2, 2013More -
Vintage-Year Games and Controversies
When is a private equity fund “born?” And how is it that GPs are able to seemingly shop for a vintage year in which their fund shows the best relative performance?
February 20, 2013More -
Private Equity Performance: Q3 2012
How has private equity been performing recently, and what does that performance mean for the long-term attractiveness of the asset class?
February 19, 2013More -
How Are the 2006 LBO Funds Looking Now?
The year 2006 is one of the most important ever for the buyout industry because so much capital was formed and put to work in a frothy environment. So how is the “class of 2006” looking today?
March 8, 2013More -
In Search of Growth
Topics discussed include the limits of macroeconomic growth in driving returns, the need for managers to create alpha, and more.
March 1, 2012More -
The Changing LP and GP Relationship
Three experts discuss the reasons behind, and consequences of, the LP desire for fewer GPs in the portfolio.
February 1, 2012More -
Realities of a Mature Market
Topics discussed in this program include the signs of sophistication among LPs, the critical importance of understanding illiquidity, new best practices in portfolio construction and investment pacing, and more.
January 15, 2012More
IR in the Time of Corona
An expert discussion focused on the LP/GP communication dynamic when everyone is forced to stay home
May 4, 2020More -
The Art of the Spinout
A summary of the Privcap thought-leadership series on the Top Tips for Private Equity Spinouts.
December 1, 2017More -
Forget Fees – Focus on the Team
Three private equity experts discuss how best to evaluate an investment team.
August 15, 2017More -
Five Reasons Why You Won’t Raise Your Next Fund
Executive summary of the Privcap series on “Five Reasons Why You Won’t Raise Your Next Fund” with expert commentary from MVision Private Equity Advisers, StepStone Group and Zurich Alternative Asset Management.
October 20, 2014More -
Performance & Portfolio
A deep dive into the institutional private equity portfolio. Features interviews with the foremost authorities on portfolio construction and performance.
April 9, 2014More -
Private Equity Performance Q1 2014
An exclusive report on private equity performance. This issue includes buyout fund performance, the importance of top-quartile and emerging markets performance.
January 3, 2014More -
Private Equity Performance, Vol. III
In this issue of Private Equity Performance, experts from Cambridge and ILPA discuss a record year for distributions, VC and energy performance
October 23, 2013More -
Private Equity Performance, Volume II
In this issue of Private Equity Performance experts from Cambridge, ILPA and Independence Capital discuss growth equity, niche strategies and the overhang.
August 9, 2013More -
Private Equity Performance
A special report on private equity performance, including expert insights and the most recent quarterly data from Cambridge Associates.
March 25, 2013More