Marc Cardillo
Managing Director, Cambridge Associates
Strong Returns Could Continue To 2018
Returns from value-added and opportunistic real estate funds have been exceptional and could continue through 2018. But a deceleration is in the cards, says an expert PrivcapRE panel.
March 30, 2015More -
LPs Should Ask For Unlevered Returns
LPs in value-added and opportunistic RE funds should demand GPs report unlevered returns, a panel of performance experts tells PrivapRE.
March 30, 2015More -
GPs Should Adjust Return Targets
GPs are urged to be more realistic about fund returns by changing their target for each successive fundraise, to reflect changing market conditions.
March 30, 2015More -
Benchmarking RE Funds: What Works
Experts from Cambridge, PREA and Crossroads delve into benchmarking value-added and opportunistic real estate funds – what works and what doesn’t.
June 18, 2014More -
Why Have Energy GPs Outperformed?
Energy-focused private equity funds have, on average, vastly outperformed other private equity funds over the past 10 to 15 years. Why?
September 16, 2013More
Rise of the Real Estate Debt Asset Class
Expert analysis of the risks and rewards of the real estate debt trend.
April 2, 2017More -
Private Equity: Not Afraid of Low Oil
In this report, produced with our partners at EY, veteran energy investors share their thoughts on creating value in the midst of commodity price volatility.
September 9, 2015More -
Special Report: Performance
Outperformance for value-added and opportunistic real estate in 2014, but how long will it continue?
March 31, 2015More -
Performance and Portfolio
An essential 23-page, downloadable PrivcapRE Special Report on Performance and Portfolio.
June 25, 2014More -
Private Equity Performance, Vol. III
In this issue of Private Equity Performance, experts from Cambridge and ILPA discuss a record year for distributions, VC and energy performance
October 23, 2013More