Ian Cameron
COO, Washington State Investment Board
Chief Operating Officer for the WSIB with more than $100 billion in assets under management accountable for a wide array of highly complex, multi-disciplined functions typical of global investment organizations.
Reporting to the Executive Director, he manages the WSIB's assets and resources and performance of statutory responsibilities, including oversight of the SIB's business operations that includes information technology, budgeting, contracts, legal, travel, financial administration, financial reporting, portfolio investment administration and accounting.
As COO, Cameron is responsible for strategic planning and directing the implementation of emerging industry practices, new programs, and legislative/board mandates. He serves on the Audit Committee, Administration Committee, and ad-hoc sub committees at the Investment Board's discretion. In addition Cameron serves as an active participant in Investment Board Meetings, Valuation Committee and the Investment Committee. In addition, certain responsibilities and duties of the Executive Director are delegated in her absence.
Functions that the COO is responsible for at the WSIB include enterprise risk management and compliance, commingled funds management, daily valued funds' operations, portfolio accounting and trust asset reporting, securities trade processing and settlement, partnership capital calls and stock distributions, cash management, establishment of limited partnerships, title holding companies and other legal structures for investment purposes.