Adam Johnston
Principal and Due Diligence Practice Network Leader for the Americas, Ramboll Environ
Adam Johnston has more than 20 years of experience in environmental consulting on matters of environmental due diligence, regulatory compliance, site investigations and human exposure and risk assessment. He has completed hundreds of environmental due diligence assignments, covering thousands of sites—throughout North America and abroad, in more than 30 countries—for a diverse array of industries, as well as commercial, institutional and multi-family residential properties. He has overseen soil and groundwater investigations associated with due diligence in numerous geographical locations, and under various regulatory frameworks. Additionally, he has overseen regulatory compliance reviews of several hundred industrial operations, for the purposes of due diligence and as part of detailed compliances audits. Adam has extensive experience in human health risk assessment, including data analysis, fate and transport modeling, estimation of exposure concentrations, assessment of human exposure and characterization of cancer and noncancer risks. He has overseen numerous tenant exit audits for a major real estate firm; these audits have included assessments of chemical, biological and radiological decommissioning, as well as building-related issues such as water intrusion, mold, chemical and wastewater releases and vapor intrusion.