by Privcap
August 13, 2015

Top TIAA-CREF Investor Joins Real Estate Game Change

Suzan Amato joins a lineup of institutional real estate experts to share insights at Chicago’s Gleacher Center on November 3rd.

Privcap Media, the leading producer of real estate and private equity thought-leadership content, announced this week that TIAA-CREF managing director Suzan Amato is confirmed to share insights into private real estate deal flow and joint ventures at its Real Estate Game Change 2015 conference.

Suzan Amato, TIAA-CREF

Amato joins other real estate luminaries including LaSalle Investment Management’s Jeff Jacobson, Duke Real Estate Partners’ Dan Neidich and Colony Capital’s Thomas Barrack.

“Joint ventures are the time-honored way of accessing real estate deal flow, and in the wake of the financial crisis were given added prominence in the institutional portfolio,” said Zoe Hughes, editor at PrivcapRE. “It will be interesting to hear how investors view the role of JVs in 2016 and beyond.”

There are 26 confirmed speakers lined up for Real Estate Game Change 2015, including:

Nick Colonna, Kennedy Wilson Kevin Lynch, Townsend Group Thomas Barrack, Colony Capital Inc. Tom Green, RSM Thomas Shapiro, GTIS Partners Jeff Jacobson, LaSalle Investment Management Michael Levy, Morgan Stanley Real Estate Investing Michael Schwartz, RSM Andrew Jacobs, Metropolitan Real Estate Michael Becker, Loyola University Health System Seth Singerman, Singerman Real Estate John McCourt, RSM David Rosenbaum, WHI Real Estate Partners Greg Spick, UPS Group Trust Paul Vosper, Morgan Stanley Alternative Investment

For a full list of speakers visit

Suzan Amato joins a lineup of institutional real estate experts to share insights at Chicago’s Gleacher Center on November 3rd.

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