September 1, 2011
Interviewed by: David Snow
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Measuring Value Creation

They are classic Wall Street questions that in today’s private equity market have taken on critical importance – is my investment manager smart or just lucky? And, is the success of the past repeatable? As the private equity investment opportunity has changed, investors have sought out general partners who have track records of truly adding value to their portfolio companies. Likewise, as GPs have sought to distinguish themselves in an incredibly competitive market, they have taken pains to show the value that they can bring to their investments beyond mere market momentum.

In this must-watch video program, Privcap has assembled a cast of experts to discuss how they define and measure value creation in private equity investing. Participants include:

Susan Long McAndrews of Pantheon Ventures; Robert Long of Conversus Asset Management; Bela Szigethy of The Riverside Company and John Vester of EY. The conversation is moderated by Privcap founder David Snow.

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